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OOH Insider - Episode 024 - Jonathan Gudai, CEO of Adomni

At some point, we will all count on our families for a favor.

For Jonathan Gudai, his favor was to help his brother-in-law sell of the unsold inventory that pesters media owners.

3 digital billboards in Las Vegas, to be precise.

165,000 screens across 32 different formats later and it's safe to say that may turn out to be the greatest favor in billboard history.

Jonathan is a guy who gets growth, knows how to scale and leads the conversation with a distinct responsibility to introducing brands to the power of out of home.

With campaigns sprawling across the country, taking advantage of the Facebook-like out of home advertising platform makes it easy to:

✅Reach the right target audience

✅Leverage dynamic digital capabilities - like day parting and weather triggers

✅Understand how to measure the impact to their brand

Learn the story behind the brand that is giving advertisers access to out of home at their fingertips.

Check out Adomni here: https://www.adomni.com/

And make sure to connect with Jonathan Gudai at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathangudai/

As always, connect with me on LinkedIn too at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/troweactual/

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