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How does data collected for digital marketing differ from data for offline/the "real world"?

How does data collected for digital marketing differ from data for offline/the "real world"?

The biggest difference -

Data collected for targeting on the internet is subjected to all of the privacy restrictions you hear about in the news (iOS 14.5 etc)

But data collected for the real world?

MAID free 😎

Privacy compliant 👍

Cookieless-Future -Proof 🍪

More deterministically targeted than the internet.

#digitalmarketingagency peeps, check this out!

Checkout the rest of this episode at https://youtu.be/dDVv4-y1Dg4

And learn more about How to Measure #oohadvertising and How #brands show up in the real world at https://www.theoohinsider.com/