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How Can #nyc Restaurants Extend Their Reach, Find New Customers, And Deliver Across Town? eatmise

Whether you're a NYC restaurant that wants to reach new customers

(and reconnect with the old ones!)

Or you're a customer that wants to eat great food in the comfort of your home, this might be for you.

And that's the point, that marketplaces democratize access.

They make smaller companies accessible to the biggest buyers.

They connect the smallest buyers with the biggest companies.

Whatever it is, #marketplace platforms beat pipeline businesses in every category they exist.

So how are you growing your company alongside them?

Want more great content like this?

Visit https://www.theoohinsider.com/eatmise to learn more about #oohadvertising and #startups

Learn more about eatmise here:

And learn more about Robert Chen here: